Chalk obstacle course printable plans. Comes with 6 fun plans. Your kids will love drawing these obstacle courses on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk. It is the perfect outside activity for kids because they can be creative and active. www.confetticra

Chalk Obstacle Courses are the Perfect Outdoor Activities for Kids!

My kids like to be outside, but sometimes they get bored of doing the same thing. I came up with these chalk obstacle course plan printables and they LOVED them! 

Chalk obstacle course printable plans. Comes with 6 fun plans. Your kids will love drawing these obstacle courses on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk. It is the perfect outside activity for kids because they can be creative and active.

Chalk Obstacle Course Plans

These printables have 6 different obstacle courses the kids can create with chalk. Either you or your child can write them down on the concrete.

Chalk obstacle course printable plans. Comes with 6 fun plans. Your kids will love drawing these obstacle courses on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk. It is the perfect outside activity for kids because they can be creative and active.

These chalk obstacle courses can be written on your driveway or on the sidewalk. Each plan will be fun for your younger kids and your older kids.

Chalk obstacle course printable plans. Comes with 6 fun plans. Your kids will love drawing these obstacle courses on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk. It is the perfect outside activity for kids because they can be creative and active.

You could even add a fun element to the chalk obstacle courses and have the kids time how long it takes to get through them.

Chalk obstacle course printable plans. Comes with 6 fun plans. Your kids will love drawing these obstacle courses on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk. It is the perfect outside activity for kids because they can be creative and active.

My kids thought these were a lot of fun and that other kids would find them fun too! They are nice to use because it helps get your kids outside, using chalk, and being active. 


Want to get your own Chalk Obstacle Course Printables? Click HERE.

Chalk obstacle course printable plans. Comes with 6 fun plans. Your kids will love drawing these obstacle courses on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk. It is the perfect outside activity for kids because they can be creative and active.

Chalk obstacle course printable plans. Comes with 6 fun plans. Your kids will love drawing these obstacle courses on your driveway or sidewalk with chalk. It is the perfect outside activity for kids because they can be creative and active. www.confetticra


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