🦄12 Unicorn Preschool Learning Activities Busy Book Printables

Unicorns and learning activities combined? Yes, please! These printable unicorn busy book pages are totally adorable. 

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com
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Unicorn Colors Activity

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com
The unicorns in this colors activity are so cute. Your child will enjoy finding the matching paint can.

Unicorn Patterns and Puzzles Activities

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com
Working on patterns is a great math skill for preschoolers to have. Also, finding the puzzle pieces that complete each of these two puzzles works on your child's visual spatial awareness. 

Unicorn Tracing Letters

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com 
The sun was a little bright for this photo, so the letters aren't showing up the best, but they are there! :)
If you laminate these pages, your child will be able to trace the pages over and over again. (I love my laminator from Amazon HERE. You will become obsessed with laminating everything, so I recommend buying lots of laminating pouches HERE.)

Size, Shapes and Emotions

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com
Your child will love working with these adorable unicorns during the activities for: size, shapes and emotions. I mean look at those emotional unicorns?! Adorable.

Counting with a Ten Frame

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com
Your child will use a ten frame in school all. the. time! For this activity, your child can use any counters you have around the house like the pom poms shown here.

Numbers Dice Game

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com
For this dice game, your child will roll one of the dice and cover the number shown on the dice. Super fun way to work with number recognition! 

Unicorn Play Dough Mat

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com
The unicorn busy book comes with a play dough mat that is so cute! Your child will love giving the unicorn scene some fun play dough additional items.


12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com

The last of the 12 unicorn activities is categorizing. Your child will be able to choose the items that belong on the side with the small category and the large category.

Aren't they such cute activities? If you are ready to purchase your own set of these unicorn busy book printables click HERE.

12 unicorn preschool learning activities in busy book printables. Your child will work on: colors, emotions, shapes, letters, dice game, patterns, puzzles, categorizing, counting, numbers, size, and play with the play dough mat. www.confetticrate.com